NEWS > Education
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 21/02/2022.

EA Coaching Committee Update

All current Equestrian Australia (EA) coaches are represented at the national level by members of the Board Appointed EA Coaching Committee (EACC). Your coaching representatives can be found here. Summaries of their monthly meetings can be found here.

The State Branch representatives on the EA Coaching Committee for Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia were nominated by their State CEOs for the new 2022/2023 term. The EACC is very pleased to welcome back:

  • Tim Calkin, Victoria
  • Trudy Dougall, Queensland
  • Philippa Collier, Western Australia
  • Sally Ann Barbera, New South Wales

Nominations for Chair were called for at the January 2022 EACC meeting and Sally Ann Barbera, who has filled the vacancy in the role of Chair since April 2021, has been elected to the position of Chair for the 2022/2023 term, with unanimous support from the Committee.

We farewell Gill Botten, Second Delegate, Western Australia, who has resigned from the Committee effective February 2022, and sincerely thank Gill for her contribution and support to the EA Coaching Committee.

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