31 #LoveOfTheHorse AnnuAl RePORT 2017 – 2018 TASMANIA From the National Board down to local committees there are volunteers who are passionately committed and make significant sacrifices. This is wonderful. The loss of those volunteers is one of the greatest risks we face. The world is changing. The standards of care in the delivery of critical aspects such as safety, protection of junior members, accounting and competence required of the committee and board members has increased significantly. There are cultural differences between generations. Lives have become busier. Many people much prefer being a customer and paying money rather than participating as a volunteer. Support to volunteers in real terms needs to continue to be provided. Challenges and Opportunities The starting point is to recognise that Equestrian is not one sport, but has within it different sports. Each sport has huge potential to thrive if given the rein to plan and develop its own future and market its own uniqueness. That said there are significant areas of common interest between the sports and significant opportunities for the sharing of resources for common purposes. Equestrian Tasmania recognises this and sees that a fundamental objective is the provision of support to the sports. There is however huge opportunity by bringing the sports within a common structure to allow them to benefit from the sharing of resources while still pursuing their own development. As administration of sporting organisations becomes more complex there is a need for the provision of support particularly expertise and services in key areas. Vision for the future If Equestrian Tasmania can bring all its constituent sports clubs within one structure where all members of those clubs are members of Equestrian Tasmania (without any appreciable increase in overall cost to club members) then that will create the opportunity for ET to become a source of support. Looking to the future it would allow clubs who need support in accounting, administrative support, engagement of employees contractors (with requisite insurance and superannuation, et cetera) to obtain those resources via Equestrian Tasmania at a reasonable cost. Finally, I thank Andrea Watson, the Board and all the officials and volunteers for their efforts. It is they who make the various equestrian sports successful. Tim Williams Chair, Equestrian Tasmania