39 #LoveOfTheHorse AnnuAl RePORT 2017 – 2018 6 EQUESTRIAN AUSTRALIA LIMITED ABN 19 077 455 755 DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) Meetings of Directors During the financial year, 8 meetings of directors were held. Attendances by each director were as follows: Directors’ Meetings High Performance Finance, Audit & Risk Management Remuneration Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Mr Mark Arthur 8 7 3 3 1 1 Mr Chris Styring 8 1 Mr Daniel Stoneman 8 4 3 2 Mr David Lindh 8 8 3 3 1 1 Mr Colin Chantler 8 7 Ms Gill Rolton 8 2 3 1 Ms Judy Fasher 8 8 3 1 1 1 Mr Mark Hopkinson 8 7 Dr Suzanne Doyle 8 6 3 2 Mrs Catherine Friday 8 6 3 2 1 1 The company is incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 and is a Company Limited by Guarantee. If the company is wound up, the Constitution states that each member is required to contribute a maximum of $1 each towards meeting any outstanding obligations of the entity. At 30 June 2018, the total amount that members of the company are liable to contribute if the company is wound up is $6 (2017: $6). Indemnification of Officers The company paid a premium during the year in relation to an Association Liability policy which indemnifies the Directors and Officers of the company for losses which the Director or Office may become liable to pay on account of any claim made against the Director or Officer during the period of the policy for a wrongful act committed during the period of the policy. The Directors have not included details of the nature of the liabilities covered nor is the amount of the premium paid as such disclosure prohibited under the terms of the contract. Auditor's Independence Declaration The auditor's independence declaration for the year ended 30 June 2018 has been received and can be found on page 7. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors. Mrs Judy Fasher Dr Suzanne Doyle Chairperson Director Dated this 22nd day of October, 2018.