NEWS > Vaulting
Posted by National Admin on 15/08/2019.

EA Vaulting Committee Judge's Eye Clinic in Victoria


Despite the miserable weather, 19 Victorian Vaulting enthusiasts gathered on August 11 in Geelong to hear about what guides a Vaulting Judge’s Eye and how the scores are achieved.

Equestrian Australia provided some financial support to get Angie Deeks FEI Level 3 and EA Level 3 Judge to Geelong to share her knowledge of and passion for Vaulting. The group spent a warm and friendly day around the whiteboard and video player covering the topics of accessing the correct and latest rules, the relationship of FEI, EA and the EA Vaulting Committee.

All the participants were very keen to hear about ways to improve Artistic scores so they covered all the required topics but focussed on examining the detailed components of the Artistic Score.

The day was spent growing the Victorian Vaulting Tree of Knowledge, with participants adding a leaf to our whiteboard tree when they learned something they had not heard before or had a light bulb moment with an issue that had been a little unclear in the past.

Victorian Vaulting Tree of Knowledge

The EAVC extends their thanks and appreciation to Sharyn Van Someren, Zia Mcleod and Claire Ryan from Victoria for their assistance in the organisation of the clinic, by way of arranging the venue, hosting Angie and supply of morning tea. 

Lastly a huge thank you to Angie Deeks for her time, commitment and willingness to assist others in understanding the judging aspect of vaulting.

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