For all queries relating to Health & Safety, incident reporting or risk management, email our National Safety Team at [email protected]
General enquires email: [email protected]
For urgent enquiries and serious incident reporting phone: 0481 162 596
Form 08 Incident reporting requirements:
All falls and incients must be reported within 24 hours. This is mandatory reporting for EA-HSMS-MED-Incident Report FORM 08.
EA Incident & Concussion Reporting Fact Sheet 1.pdf
Concussion Reporting within FORM 08 (option 3)
Concussion reporting Protocols and Return to Sport Management are a mandatory requirement for Equestrian, as advised by the Australian Institute of Sport.
This mandatory reporting is the responsibility of the Medical Service Provider (MSP) or Coach (not medical specific info) to complete Form 8 (EA-HSMS-MED-Incident Report).
Concussion Management Poster - may 2024 (3).pdf
Coaches Concussion Update 2024.pdf
This form is to be completed by all Medical Service Providers, eg doctors, medical service provider companies, individual paramedics/service providers, first aiders and any other health service provider (e.g. RN, ENs), who currently provide, or wish to provide, services at EA events, clubs and training days.
EA Event Medical Service Provider (MSP) Register (Public) 2024
The current list of MSPs that have agreed to share their details is available below. If you're an MSP and would like to be listed on this public register, please complete the form above and tick the public approval consent. This register will be updated by the NSM if required during the first week of every month.
EA Event Medical Service Provider Register Form 16. Last Update- 31.07.2024.pdf
These Forms are for Organising Committees to use when engaging a Medical Service Provider for an Event. Both Form 06 & 07 are writable PDF documents. A copy of all completed Forms are to be forwarded to the Event Organiser.
Form 06: Medical Provider Pre-Event Checklist & Service Agreement
This document outlines the agreed services to be provided by a Medical Service Provider and is to be agreed and approved by the Event Organising Committee (OC). All sections of this agreement are to be completed prior to the commencement of any endorsed Equestrian Australia event.
Form 6 updated 17.02.22
Form 07: Medical Service Provider Pre-Event Audit
This document is to be completed by any Medical Service Provider engaged for any endorsed EA event. Part A: Accompanies Form 06 and is to be completed PRIOR to the day of the event. All relevant sections of this agreement are to be completed by the MSP prior to the commencement of any endorsed Equestrian Australia event.
Form 7 updated 07.02.22
NB: These Forms are for EVENTING discipline use ONLY
NEW Form 06A (under trial) - for all other disciplines
Note: Form06A is NOT MANDATORY for use. This form and its processes have been developed by EAs H&S team following significant consultation to date with States, Discipline committees, event organisers and others who are looking to improve their risk mitigation or management processes.
Form06A is currently for trial. Following review of further feedback, additional changes made accordingly. If an OC/AC chooses not to use this document as it is non-mandatory this does not incur any additional liability for them.
All feedback is to be directed to your State, and a feedback form will be provided to the States for the purpose of information collection during the trial of this NEW Form06A.
Form 06A Issued 20.12.22
Eventing's Incident Response Management Plan (IRMP), including serious incident management procedures are being revised. In the interim, please contact your State Eventing Chair or the CEO of your State Branch. Alternatively, contact the National Safety Team by email at [email protected], or by phone on 02 8762 7777 (option 2). For urgent enquiries and serious incident reporting phone 0481 162 596.
Eventing SIMT Grab Pack
The individual templates that support the IRMP are being reviewed as a part of the IRMP revision process. In the interim, please contact your State Eventing Chair or the CEO of your State Branch. Alternatively, contact the National Safety Team by email at [email protected], or by phone on 02 8762 7777 (option 2). For urgent enquiries and serious incident reporting phone 0481 162 596.
Other Information
Eventing Fence Judge Brief
This form 20 is the new Fence Judge Brief for Eventing only (as of 01.07.2023). It substitutes the obsolete NSW critical incident video. This form needs to be acknowledged by the Fence Judge and needs to be retained within the Fence Judge paperwork folder.
EA-HSMS-Event-Fence Judge Rider-Horse Incident Brief. Form 20. V1.3.pdf
Eventing Fence Judge Video
(as of 01.01.2024)
EA-HSMS-Event-State Eventing Safety Administrator
The primary purpose of the State Eventing Safety Administrator is to liaise with the Organising Committees (OC) and Affiliated Clubs (AC) of each event and provide administrative support regarding all risk management plans, processes, and procedures in accordance with the FEI and EA National Eventing Rules.
EA-HSMS-Event-State Eventing Safety Administrator Form 01.V1.4 (002).pd
Please see below a short educational video (13.46 mins) that provides an overview of the State Eventing Safety Administrator (SESA) support role, logistics and processes. Speakers are Meredith Chapman (EAs National Health and Safety Manager) and Michelle Debenham (EA FEI Technical Delegate).
Jumping - Medical Service Provider Event Brief
This briefing for Medical Service Providers at Jumping events outlines what is required of them throughout the day.
Medical briefing for Showjumping events.pdf
Horse Safety Tips For Volunteers
Personal safety around horses is paramount. Here is a list of safety tips for people that are working or volunteering in and around horses.
Horse Safety Tips for Volunteers.pdf
We'd like to hear what you think about Health and Safety. Check back in for when the next survey is open.
Keep up to date with the latest news, updates and advice surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
COVID-19 Information for Equestrian Sport
Australian based clubs that are running EA/FEI events can access funds for frangible pins and Mim clips via their relevant State Eventing Committee.
SA | VIC |
WA | TAS |