Para-Equestrian News
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The role of the Steward General is to act as liaison between Equestrian Australia and the relevant FEI Steward General(s) as well as liaise with organisers of...
Equestrian Australia’s (EA's) Para High Performance Program leads and manages the national para equestrian system, including the preparation and campaign management of...
Equestrian Australia now invites current financial members with a primary interest in Para Dressage or Para Equestrian to vote for the Equestrian Australia Para Dressage...
The next Olympic & Paralympic term will run from January 2025 to December 2028, and amongst many selection opportunities, will include two major events, 2026 FEI World...
The 3-year lead up to the Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 has provided motivation and focus for Para-Equestrians and their teams. As spectators, we can only imagine the...
The Equestrian Australia High Performance Department is again supporting a special Gold Medal System to recognise outstanding performances throughout the year. The aim is...
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