Hilary Scott


Hilary Scott

Where do you currently reside?

Roermond, Netherlands

When are you from in Australia?

Moree, NSW

When did you start riding?

4 years old

What is one of your most memorable competition successes/career highlights to date?

2019 in general, riding my first 5* competitions and placing 4th in the Great American Million Dollar Grand Prix, Ocala, Florida.

What are you most looking forward to about competing at Deeridge?

It’s a beautiful property, with a lovely grass arena. Being part of my first Nations Cup competition with such a great team and at this location, will be memorable. 

Have you had any influential riders/trainers or role models throughout your career?

Beezie Madden and Marcus Ehning are both absolutely inspirational. Chris Chugg and Yves Houtackers have been big influencers, while Denis Lynch has played a big role in advancing to the next level. 

What is your favourite motto/saying/training philosophy?

You get out what you put in. 

Which horse will you ride in the Nations Cup?

Oaks Milky Way 

What is your horse's personality like?

She is extremely self confident with a lot of character, but she always gives 200%. She loves life and being in the jumping ring.