NEWS > General
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 19/04/2021.

Expression of Interest to Tender for the Equestrian Australia Insurance Broking and Conceptual Insurance Programme


The principal objective of this Expression of interest is to attract tenders from suitable insurance brokers so we can establish the most suitable provider of Insurance Broking, Claims Management services for Equestrian Australia (EA).

It is incumbent upon each tenderer to acquaint themselves with the business, operations and activities of Equestrian Australia and its related risks, exposures, insurance, and risk management requirements.  

Equestrian Australia is the peak body for the administration of Equestrian Sport in Australia. The commitment to success is encouraged at every level of the sport and is reflected in world-class results at Olympic level.

To date, Australian Equestrians have won 9 Gold, 4 Silver and 8 Bronze medals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Our athletes have achieved great victories at peak international Equestrian events and as a result, Australia has earned the reputation as an elite Equestrian nation.

A big part of the success is the tireless commitment and excellence shown by our sport’s administrators, coaches, officials, volunteers, owners, and our athletes of all ages performing at all levels as well as the importance placed on sportsmanship and the welfare of horses.

Strategic Plan (Please click here to link to the EA Strategy)

In May 2020, Equestrian Australia (EA) has released its five-year Strategic Plan.

Our vision
Excellence in sporting conduct and horse welfare.

Our purpose
To provide leadership, pathways and safe participation for our members.

Our values

  • Moral and Ethical – principled adherence to standards
  • Professional – obligations accepted and implemented
  • Transparent – accountable for actions
  • Inclusive – ‘fair play’ focus
  • Wellbeing – the health and welfare of members and horses 


All information contained in this document and its attachments is strictly confidential and may not be reproduced in any form or communicated to any other person, firm, company or other third party without the written consent of Equestrian Australia.

All Insurance Brokers are required to sign and return a Non-Disclosure Agreement to start the process.

Proposed Tender Timetable



Expression of Interest and NDA execution

From 19th April

Request for Tender issued to tenderers

19th – 28th April

Questions and requests for information from tenderers to be concluded by

28th Apr

Tender closing time

7th May

Tender presentations

w/o 10th May

Intended formal notification of successful tenderer

18th May

Expression of Interest Lodgement

Interested insurance brokers should express their interest to tender the Equestrian Australia National Insurance Programme via return email to:

Richard Vaughan – Equestrian Australia Finance Committee Chair
Email: [email protected]

A Non-Disclosure Agreement will also need to be completed.
Once received, the interested Insurance Broker will be sent the Conceptual Insurance Broker Tender.

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