NEWS > General
Posted by Shelley Tilbrook on 16/03/2023.

Expressions of Interest Open for National Integrity Committee

Equestrian Australia (EA) is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from appropriately skilled and qualified personnel to establish a National Integrity Committee as a proactive measure to take a lead on integrity matters for the sport.
Integrity is a huge priority to ensure the culture and conduct of the people within Equestrian Sport are held to the highest standards.
The purpose of the National Integrity Committee is to play a proactive, strategic and advisory role with oversight responsibilities relating to key integrity issues for the sport and the organisation. This includes robust processes and policies for integrity in a fair and transparent manner, in addition to placing a big picture lens on emerging issues.



The Committee will consist of:

  • a) At least one director of the Equestrian Australia Board;
  • b) One Sport Discipline representative (elected by the Chairs of the Discipline Committees, ratified by the EA Board)
  • c) The Equestrian Australia Manager responsible for integrity; and
  • d) Minimum two external, independent representatives.

EA is looking to cover the following skill sets within the Committee;

  • a) Equestrian knowledge and expertise
  • b) Legal training and or Law Enforcement experience and knowledge
  • c) Governance experience particularly in policy

For further detail please refer to the National Integrity Committee Charter.

If you are interested in being part of this inaugural Committee to assist in protecting and maintaining the integrity of Equestrian sports in Australia please fill out the Expression of Interest Form online or via return email to [email protected] to apply.

Applications close: COB Friday 7th April



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