NEWS > Education
Posted by National Admin on 05/11/2019.
The new ‘Commit to Coaching’ four-day intensive course held in WA was a great success, with a number of trainees successfully completing their personal coaching goals
Photos Courtesy Sharon Welsh

Commit to Coaching Course Celebrated in WA

The EWA Coaching Committee, supported by the EWA High Performance and Athletic Development officer Sharon Welsh, decided to hold ‘Commit to Coaching’ courses, as they recognised the difficulties for trainees to achieve professionally recognized accreditations.

Usually, trainees would need to individually book a coach educator, a suitable venue, take time off and arrange for demo riders. By attending this very comprehensive course, they were able to plan their time, work with others and reduce costs.

The ‘Commit to Coaching’ four-day intensive course held in WA was a great success, with a number of trainees successfully completing their personal coaching goals.

The group lessons challenged some trainees, particularly in the areas of moving them around the arena safely and setting up their exercises in order to achieve their lesson goals.

Overall, the trainee’s enthusiasm and support of each other throughout the course was very impressive.

The response from those offering to be volunteer ‘demo’ riders was amazing, with 35 riders giving up their time to ride for the trainees over the four days. Their riding standard was excellent and gave the trainees ample opportunity to develop their coaching skills. Some of the riders came each day. We couldn’t have managed without them.

Thanks go to the volunteer 'demo' riders, we couldn’t have managed without them

The coaches assessing the trainees for this final four day course were Philippa Collier - EA Level 2 General Coach and Coach Educator, Zoe Harrison - EA Level 2 General & Dressage Coach and Coach Educator, Liz Tollarzo - EA Level 1 General Coach, Level 2 Dressage Coach and Coach Educator and Gail Simms - EA Level 2 General and Coach Educator.

Throughout the whole course, we also had other Coach Educators and Skills Specific Training Assessors, who were encouraging and impartial, whilst still expecting a high standard from the trainee coaches.

Thirteen prospective coaches initially registered for the ‘Commit to Coaching’ course, which was comprised of two one-day sessions and two four-day intensive assessing sessions. Trainees needed to hold a current EWA Membership. Applicants under 18 years would be accepted for training only.

The previous one-day sessions, held in April and May, were designed to assist trainees with their knowledge and coaching for the final assessments in June and September. They covered various units, including written assignments, school figures, horse mastership, lunging, poles, grids, jumping, cross country and improving their coaching skills.

The feedback we have received regarding ‘Commit to Coaching’ has been very positive and we will be holding future courses.

Sally Mayall and Morgan Ware completed L1 Coaching

Recognition must go to Zoe Harrison as the initial concept of the ‘Commit to Coaching’ course was her idea.

The committee would like to congratulate all the trainees on their determination to improve their knowledge and coaching skills to become an Equestrian Australia Accredited coach.

Well done, very professional.

Diane Bennit – Chair EWA Coaching Committee 2019

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