EA COVID-19 Update
A statement from the EA Board and the State Branches in response to the COVID-19 ongoing crisis.
The health, safety and welfare of our community is our highest priority.
Due to rapidly changing Federal and State Government restrictions, EA is now suspending all EA activities until further notice. This suspension excludes all essential activities allowed under current Federal and State restrictions.
Equestrian Australia and our affiliated State Branches will continue to communicate regularly and monitor and reassess the situation as COVID-19 evolves in Australia. EA will continue to provide updates and support our valued members.
This decision has been agreed by Equestrian Australia and our State Branches and supports the recent actions to reduce all unnecessary human contact and limit travel and advice provided by the FEI, Australian Olympic Committee and Australian Institute of Sport. In addition, we have taken advice from EA’s Medical Consultative Group, many of whom are front-line COVID-19 responders; including national and state health authorities.
The Government’s directive is very clear at this time – stay at home. With restrictions being implemented almost weekly to combat this pandemic EA advises all members and our equestrian community to follow public health and state regulatory procedures.
We understand COVID-19 is having a negative impact on equestrian businesses throughout Australia. Be assured, we are currently working on a COVID-19 support and recovery plan to provide advice and leadership for you during these challenging times. We will return to equestrian sports and a priority for EA and our State Branches is to be ready for competition by planning and working together now.
We thank you for your continued understanding and support during this unprecedented situation.