NEWS > Education
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 28/08/2022.

EA Medication Control Stewards Course - TAS

The Equestrian Australia National Medication Control Officer (NMCO), Dr Penny Dow, ran the TAS National Medication Control Program Stewards Courses at Tasmanian Equestrian Centre on Sunday 20th August

Run in conjunction with Equestrian Tasmania (ETAS), the 10 participants included a great mixture of individuals, some taking their first steps to become EA Medication Control Program (MCP) Stewards and already appointed MCP Steward refreshing their skills.

Thanks to ETAS Staff member Lynsey McLeod for assisting with organisation and ensuring the day ran smoothly as well as medication control steward Tania Hay. Thanks also to Tani and Sue McDermott for bringing our equine friends for the day.



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