NEWS > Safety
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 01/04/2021.

New Dates for Concussion Training for Coaches, Officials, OCs and Clubs

Happy Easter to all of our EA Members and Affiliated Clubs.

Update on Concussion Training: New dates for all Coaches, Officials, OCs and Clubs.

Concussion training has commenced for our Accredited EA Coaches and to date, we have had over 125 registrations.

I have been assisted with the delivery of this on-line training by our fabulous Pathways Officer, Kellie Hayes, and together we have included an overview of EA Concussion Protocols, concussion health effects in sport and recovery requirements and practical demonstrations of the reporting process using MyEA and the requirements for removing a Concussion-on-hold status etc.

I would like to thank everyone for your attendance and great feedback, along with your engagement and application of the new EA Concussion Protocols.

The training runs on average for only 30 mins followed by question time and we believe this training has been of great benefit and support for EA Coaches thus far.  

Coaches, we welcome your comments for those of you who have attended the training to date and encourage others to participate.

Coaches, Officials, OCs and Clubs please register now for the upcoming, combined training sessions scheduled for 20th & 29th April (7pm) and 10th May (1pm), followed by 27th May (5pm).

To register please click HERE.

Stay safe and enjoy the Easter holiday.

Meredith Chapman

National Safety Manager

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