The Stable Ground Australian Dressage Championships 2023
By Berni Saunders
The Stable Ground Australian Dressage Championships 2023 will be held from 10-15 October 2023 and with less than a month left to plan for the most important event on the Australian Dressage calendar, Equestrian Australia invites members and friends to check out the official website for details about the event, competitor information and draws, how to enjoy the event as a volunteer, trader and lots more including informative content provided by the main name sponsor Stable Ground.
The Championships will take place at the spectacular Boneo Park on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsular where the all-weather surfaces are world class and assure competitors of the best footing for optimum performance. Boneo Park is a diverse complex situated on 340 hectares with internationally acclaimed multi discipline equestrian facilities and restaurant set within ten kilometres of wetland, woodland and grassland with an abundance of bird life and native plant species among the iconic, gnarly old Moonah trees.
The 2023 Stable Ground Australian Dressage Championships assures a magical experience for spectators and competitors alike with the Trade Village offering specialty items for the rider and fashion conscience enthusiast with outdoor interests, a vast and delicious selection of food and refreshments, plus unique gifts for that special horsey friend. Official Merchandise is available to identify participation and remember the fun for many years to come.
Volunteering is exciting and gives enthusiasts the opportunity to be part of the team that makes the event happen. Volunteers report making long standing friendships, learning from their experience and vowing to be part of the action in future years.
The organising committee is delighted to introduce the 2023 main name sponsor - Stable Ground, and sincerely thanks Adrian Veneziano for the interest and support of his company as his involvement promises to make the competition a wonderful experience for competitors, spectators, officials, traders and fans of Dressage.
Adrian is a professional in his field and his qualifications as a Certificate III in Civil Construction and Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering stand behind the Stable Ground name and their involvement with the equestrian community.
Stable Ground has established an enviable reputation for helping horse owners and equestrian businesses in the development of specialist facilities, whether for a hobbyist interest or an equine business that demands the best design and construction to meet the highest standards of performance and presentation.
Equestrian Australia spoke with Adrian Veneziano to discuss his company’s involvement in the 2023 Championship and he said, “Stable Ground is delighted to be a part of the most important Dressage competition in the country, particularly on the occasion that it is held in Victoria.” “Both my wife Bianca and I are committed to horses and horse people and understand the role of purpose built facilities and arena maintenance equipment in managing competition horses, keeping them sound and allowing every horse to reach full potential in the competition arena”. “Bianca is a successful Dressage rider, competitor and coach and with my engineering and construction expertise, we have been able to share ideas and come up with the best solutions for riders and horse trainers and discerning hobbyists who are keen to build facilities that will give years of service, look great and will keep their horses safe and sound.”
“Stable Ground provides innovative solutions for a wide range of design and building projects. We specialise in metal fabrication, engineering and civil works, including riding arenas, with a variety of purpose designed all-weather surfaces, arena grooming equipment that can be manually operated or controlled remotely, custom designed automated gates of the highest quality and personalised signage that adds a signature touch for the most discerning horse enthusiasts.”
We wish all the competitors the very best of luck for the competition ahead and encourage spectators and competitors alike to visit https://australiandressagechampionships.com.au to keep up to date with all the latest event news and stableground.com.au to learn more abot the naming rights sponsor for this event.