NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 04/04/2018.

Members' Update

Dear Members

As you may be aware, Equestrian Australia (EA) is principally funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Sports Commission as well as funding from our State Branches, to provide specific programs as the National body for Equestrian sport in Australia. As it is essential we provide our Members with the services you require, expect and need, including the rules, regulations and policies we govern, we need to look at alternative ways of generating revenue. We are able to achieve this, in part, by the commercial partnerships we have. These partnerships are designed to provide benefits to the equestrian community, as well as additional funding for EA to deliver positive outcomes and pursue new opportunities while seeking to grow our sport. While a National Commercial Agreement was proposed to the State branches in late 2016 for the States and EA to work collectively, until this is agreed upon and executed, EA has no choice but to independently continue to try and create genuine partnerships that educate, inform, engage and keep our members updated.

As a global organisation, with a diverse portfolio of animal health medicines, Zoetis has been central to the important delivery of equine health medicines in Australia over many years. They are focussed on the welfare of animals. EA is equally committed to horse welfare, as well as all those involved in the equine industry (vets, trainers, coaches, grooms, owners etc.) and believes sharing educational content from vets, scientists and real-life case studies will inform our members of how best to maintain the health of your horse.

While EA’s recent announcement has caused concern and questioning among some members, we can reassure you that this is not, in any way, a precursor to any form of compulsory medication.

Having undertaken our due diligence, as with all partnerships, we consider there was no real and/or perceived conflict of interest. However, after careful consideration and listening to feedback from our members, the EA board is currently in the process of active discussions with each of our State branches regarding this partnership, in view of the Class Action that came to light after we executed the contract and before we had made a public announcement. We will make a further statement once these discussions have taken place.

Kind regards,

Judy Fasher

Chair, Equestrian Australia

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